
Kom nyss hem från skolan och den sista lektionen.
Herre gud det börjar verkligen spåra ut nu.. missbrukat skolan totalt .. ha-ha
Dök upp en skum människa på min facebook nyss kolla avd han skriver :


are you student?

15:35ᵀᴴᴱ Åsa



taht is time what are you doing

what is your bussines

15:36ᵀᴴᴱ Åsa

who are you?


some one

i want to learn english and i need a friend

and i am a teacher

but my english is not well

do yu understand me

i need a friend

i see you you

15:38ᵀᴴᴱ Åsa

but why are you coming to me?

you're weard


and i think you look like kind person and

i like from your picture

i believe we will be good friend in the nearist time

15:39ᵀᴴᴱ Åsa

how did you find me on facebook

and no

I'm not gonna be your friend

just because you want to


really idont know you

only when i search who know english and

that is time i find your picture and i like your photograph

i feel you near me

and that is time i offer you be friend

everything is this

i think sweeden is nice for life there for


Om ni läst igenom allt fattar ni hur skum han är.. om ni inte god for you.. jag hade inte läst det :D

Postat av: hanna

hahahah :O:D

2009-12-15 @ 18:48:57
URL: http://kleemens.blogg.se/

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